Nursery Care
Our ministry to children begins at a very early age. Qualified ladies at Promised Land Baptist Church provide excellent care for your children so you can enjoy the services.
Children's Sunday School
Every Sunday morning at 10:00am we have age specific classes for your children. These classes are filled with fun Scriptural songs, exciting Bible lessons, and friendship with other children their age.
Junior Church
Junior church is held every Sunday morning at 11:00am during morning worship service. While the adults are worshipping in the main auditorium, children are able to experience a service on their level.
Patch The Pirate Club
Every Wednesday night children 6th grade and below are able to participate in the patch the pirate program. Children are given workbooks that they can take home that encourage devotional time through Bible reading and prayer with mom and dad. Throughout the year our patch the pirate children provide special music and programs to our church family.